Do I need to be experienced/compete?

Not at all! We work with all lifters of all levels. As long as your goal is progress, then we are excited to work with you! This is not a brand JUST for powerlifters, it is for anyone looking to better themselves in and outside of the gym.

Do I need a coach?

This question arises all the time in the fitness world, yet we see this as simpler. Do you need a map when you seek out a destination? A co-driver when you embark on a long journey? A friend when you are undertaking on a new endeavor.

In the pursuit of your goals we are here to guide you, handle the bigger picture while you focus on each step. We will be your guide.

Do I need access to a gym?

In an ideal world we want to have all the possible tools at our disposal, however, progress does not mean we need everything in the world, but to take advantage of what is available to us.

If you aim to work on your strength training specific to powerlifting, a barbell and a few plates is enough for us to get to work!

Can I swap between services?

Absolutely, we find that some lifters make a start with full coaching services to better understand their lifting and build a foundation of understanding before occasionally taking a month or so to commit to a program only service where they can self regulate their lifting. All we require is a standard one month notice to adjust our plan accordingly.

Do I need to give notice if I choose to end coaching?

We do ask for one month notice as we work on very limited client spaces and last minute cancellations mean we cannot bring on waiting list clients who would need preparation time to get started.

If extenuating circumstances arise this is of course considered a reasonable exemption from notice.

Frequently Asked Questions